Empty Streets

The city feels clean this time of night
Just empty streets and me walking home
To clear my head
And though it came as no surprise
I'm affected more than I had guessed
By what was said

If this loves not meant to be
If a hearts not ready to open
If the naked eye won't see
It's broken.

It's that quiet time before the dawn
And I'm half past making sense of it
Was I wrong?
Should I think to give it all
In a world where not much ever seams
To last long.

If this loves not meant to be,
If a hearts not ready to open
If the naked eye won't see
It's broken.


Ce pacat ...ca nu ma pot multumi cu doar un simplu "Multumesc"...:)
Idealul meu e altul ...doresc alceva, pentru un singur lucru lupt...si parca as lupta in zadar...

Vremea de afara parca imi simte gandurile..si e si ea trista....
Tot ce imi doresc e sa fi cazut inca o data in mrejele acelui "lucru" .., dar sa nu fi cazut degeaba, sa ma aleg cu el, pentru el mai sunt pe Pamant.


Si`mi umezesc putin ochisorii ...aia uscati pe care`i stii ...aia care rar lucesc ....aia care privesc atatea lucruri ne/semnificative....
Pustie e lumea asta fara un poem de ceva..de o picatura de..d`aia stii...adica eu stiu?....Dragoste...picatura de dragoste e ceea ce inverzeste uscaturile din sufletu asta amar ...inecat cu atatea probleme zilnice..periodice cum or fi ele...
Tot iti seaca sufletul....